Welcome to Perp Savvy


These are photographs taken some time ago of a prescription that was either forged or
extorted. As you can see the name of the so-called patient makes no sense.
To enlarge the photos: Right click then open in new tab or window.

Prescription Bottle Forgery Photo One
Prescription Bottle Forgery Photo Two
Prescription Bottle Forgery Photo Three

However, the address does. This is a PO Box address from the United States Post
Office located at: 16300 SW Langer Drive Sherwood, Oregon 97140. It's safe to assume
that the person who owned the business, that used to occupy that PO Box address is
the person the prescription was written for. That business was TerpSavvy.

Here I will clear up any confusion that may occur for those who decide to do some amateur
sleuthing. Orginally, the initials of the owner of TerpSavvy were XMF. Late in 2018, she
did a complete, legal name change. Now her initials are TFM. Another clue for the slueths out there,
TerpSavvy was originally registered as a business in California.

The person who still owns TerpSavvy has never been indicted for prescription forgery.
Hopefully that is about to change. Her intent when she illegally obtained this prescription,
was to have her former boyfriend take the narcotics to commit suicide. She is a lovely
person. When he would not oblige her, she took the bottle back and deleted the photos
of the bottle from his phone. At least she thought she did. I have the phone and the photos.
They will be turned over to the proper authorities. Which may not be the Sherwood Police Department.
The prosecutors office will be the first to receive them. Yes, there is much more to come.


It seems that some background may be required for some of the amateur slueths out there.
How about some behavior related to TFM, the owner of TerpSavvy?
Let's see... Stalking is a good place to begin. This is no amateur stalker either. She chooses
her victims ahead of time. Her goal is usually to send someone to jail, prison, or even murder
her victim if possible. Let's start with the stalking.

This particular stalking incident was of an innocent bystander that does not know TFM or
the person she is intending to stalk. TFM decided that her name and I am assuming, volunteer
efforts, were enough information to connect her to the former phone owner.
To enlarge the photos: Right click then open in new tab or window.

Stalking Innocent Lady Photo One
Stalking Innocent Lady Photo Two
Stalking Innocent Lady Photo Three

What set TFM off was the fellow in jail stopped communicating with her. This was so he did not
get in trouble for doing so. He was doing 11 months on a probation violation, for a crime he did
not commit. He was having no luck with getting the police or the probation officers to listen to
him. I wonder if they will llsten now?


Once again this is another stalking incident. In case you are wondering why these are not referred
to as crimes; the person she is stalking has to report her as a stalker for the incident to be a crime.
The fellow that TFM, who is the owner of TerpSavvy, is stalking in this incident, tricked her.
She doesn't like being tricked. He was going by the name of Kyle; not his real name. Kyle was cheating
on his wife at the time; probably still is. TFM would meet this guy in shady little places. The name of
businesses will not be mentioned. A description of the products they sell should suffice.
Adult toys, movies, etc. is what they sell. They also provide rooms for rent to preview your favorite
adult movies. That should provide enough information for the amateur sleuths to locate them.

How serious was TFM about stalking this fellow? She hired a private investigator to help her find Kyle.
Not only did she seek the help of a professional, she turned to Reddit and Imgur. TFM went
as far as posting his photo on Imgur to locate this guy. On Reddit TFM made multiple attempts
to gain assistance from the Reddit users. A helpful hint for the hobbyist detective, her user name
at the time was WayZeeMary. In fact, at the time of this writing, the gmail address using this
name is still active.

At this time I want to inform the amateur sleuth and hobbyist detectives that TFM engaged with
with an actual detective from the Hillsboro Police Department in one of these rooms. Is this a
warning? Yes it is. Just in case you get that far.
Did he aide her in her efforts to have the owner of the phone convicted of crimes he did
not commit? Certainly. All detectives have partners. Where does he come into the picture?
Well his last name begins with an M.
To enlarge the photos: Right click then open in new tab or window.

Stalking Cheater Husband Image One
Stalking Cheater Husband Image Two
Stalking Cheater Husband Image Three
Stalking Cheater Husband Image Four
Stalking Cheater Husband Image Five
Stalking Cheater Husband Image Six